Do College Students Need Renter’s Insurance?
With the excitement of moving into a new dorm or apartment, many may not be thinking about whether their belongings are covered. If you are a college student living in on-campus housing such as a dorm, your belongings may be covered under your parents’ homeowners or renter’s insurance policy.
What is Recoverable Depreciation? – Florida Peninsula Insurance
As a homeowner, it is important you understand how your claim may be settled, prior to a loss occurring. Doing so will save you time and provide peace of mind in the event you need to file a claim. When it comes to homeowners insurance, we understand certain terms can be confusing, especially should you need to file a claim.
The Importance of Creating a Home Inventory
Most policyholders do not keep receipts of all their personal belongings, as it can be very difficult to find time and space to maintain such documents. This is why as a homeowner or renter, creating a home inventory is one of the most important lists you can make.
How to Identify and Report Insurance Fraud
Florida is one of the leading states in the country for fraud and insurance scams can be quite prevalent in several communities. Unfortunately, this leaves Florida residents paying some of the highest premiums in our nation. As a homeowner, you can do your part to identify insurance fraud, prevent it from happening to you, and report it.
Hurricane Season 2020: Preparedness Tips from Florida Peninsula Insurance Company
June has arrived, bringing with it the official start of the 2020 Hurricane Season. Over the past few years, we have unfortunately seen the devastating destruction and millions in damages one storm can cause. As such, it is important you take the proper steps to prepare before a storm is on the horizon.
Choosing a Homeowners Insurance Carrier
Choosing a homeowners carrier can be a difficult decision. We can help you make that decision.