Water Losses and Fraudulent Water Claims Are Driving Up Rates in Florida
Damages due to water losses continue to be the top source of claims in Florida. According to a report conducted by Insurance Journal, the severity and frequency of water loss claims in Florida have steadily increased every year since 2010.
Tax-Related Identity Theft
Tax Season is fast approaching and Florida Peninsula Insurance Company would like to remind you to be aware of tax-related identity theft and to take the necessary steps to protect your personal and financial information from identity thieves, who may use the stolen information to file fraudulent refund claims.
Identity Theft in Florida
Florida is the state most vulnerable to identity theft, according to personal finance website, NerdWallet. The study reported 186.3 overall identity theft complaints per 100,000 Floridians; the most out of any state in the country.
The Most Common Fire Hazards In Your Home
With colder temperatures outside, many are spending more time in their home which increases the risk of a house fire. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) notes more than 360,000 home structure fires a year, which results in about $6-8 billion in damages.
Protect Your Home While on Vacation
Whether you’re taking a weekend trip to a local beach resort or two-week adventure abroad, it is always important to protect your home while you’re away on vacation. According to reports by Fox News, home break-ins occur mostly in the summer months of July and August because it is most common time for homeowners to be away on vacation.
When Lightning Strikes, be prepared
As many Floridians know, along with the summer sunshine and blue skies comes the occasional rainy days and thunderstorms. One thing we all know is lighting safety is crucial for people of all ages, and it can even save a life! Florida is the national leader in lightning strikes, with nearly three times as many as the next state, according to National Weather Service.