Blog Posts in Category

Weather & Natural Disaster Resources
Establish a Family Emergency Communication Plan

Establish a Family Emergency Communication Plan

September is National Preparedness Month, serving as a reminder for us all to take action now, and throughout the year to prepare for various emergencies which could affect us at any time. "Don't Wait, Communicate. Make Your Emergency Plan Today" is the theme of this years' National Preparedness Month.
Disasters and Financial Planning

Disasters and Financial Planning

September is National Preparedness Month. In response, the American Red Cross and the American Institute of CPA's (AICPA) released a new guide: Disasters and Financial Planning: A Guide for Preparedness and Recovery to assist people in taking proactive steps to minimize the potential impact of disasters on their lives and financial well-being.
Hurricane Myths

Hurricane Myths

We’ve all heard of some quick and easy remedies for protecting our homes during hurricane season, but how many of them actually work?
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