As we approach Spring we prepare for more rainfall, and living in Florida means you are most likely living in a high-risk flood zone. FEMA estimates nearly 2.5 million homes in Florida are in flood hazard zones, which is more than three times the amount in any other state in the U.S.
You do not need to live in a high-risk flood zone for flood waters to cause costly damage to your home. To prepare for possible flooding here is a checklist to help you evaluate the flood risk of your Florida home and take the proper steps to protect it.
Know Your Home’s Flood Zone
Flood zones are designated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and rate a location’s flood risk from high to low. The FEMA flood map ratings use letters to indicate risk level with A and V being a high-risk flood area, B,C and X being a moderate to low risk area, and D indicating the risk is unknown because the area has not yet been mapped. You could also use the user-friendly Flood Factor map to find the flood risk specifically for your home.
Get a Professional Home Inspection
It’s always a good idea to get a routine professional home inspection to help you identify possible maintenance or structural risks around your home. A good home inspector would use moisture meters, check for water lines, and be alert for any musty smells to check for possibilities of flooding. If you’re moving or recently have moved into a new home, be aware of repaired areas, it could indicate the possibility of flood damage hidden behind walls or floors. A home inspection could also identify any internal flood risks such as old pipes or damaged walls which could bring unwanted water into your home.
Learn the Facts about Flood Insurance
According to the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), 8 out of 10 households are not covered by flood insurance. Many think their homeowners insurance policy covers flooding, but this is not the case. A standard home, condo, or renter’s insurance policy typically does not include flood coverage. Homeowners insurance policies may protect against water damage, such as a pipe leak or hole in the roof, but will not cover damage from rising water caused by torrential rainfall or storm surge. To be protected in the event of a flood, you must purchase flood insurance.
Consult an Agent about Flood Insurance
If you’re thinking about getting a flood insurance policy, you should consult your insurance agent. They can help you identify your home’s flood risk and get you the flood insurance policy right for you. Homeowners located in high-risk flood zones are generally required to have flood insurance in Florida. However, flood insurance is available to purchase even if you do not live in a high-risk flood zone, and you should seriously consider purchasing this coverage. Nearly 25% of flood insurance claims reported to the NFIP come from areas outside of a designated flood zone.
Consider Florida Peninsula’s Flood Coverage Options
Flood insurance is currently offered through the NFIP. A standard flood insurance policy provides coverage up to $250,000 for your home and up to $100,000 worth of coverage for your personal belongings.
We encourage you to take the time to understand your flood risk and obtain flood coverage. For more information on obtaining flood insurance, contact your agent or give us a call at 877-229-2244.